LMI (Laboratoire de Mathématiques de l'INSA Rouen Normandie) - EA 3226 - FR CNRS 3335 was founded on January 1, 2000 and is backed by the INSA Rouen Normandie Mathematical Engineering Department. It graduates roughly 50 engineers each year. The Research Master in Fundamental and Applied Mathematics is accredited by INSA Rouen and University of Rouen Normandy. LMI members provide courses in Year 2. In addition, LMI is part of the Fédération de Recherche FR CNRS 3335 Normandie Mathématiques. (>>>) LMI is integrated into the MIIS Doctoral Institution and includes a Laboratory Council. For more information click on the Flyer



  +33 232 956 634

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Brigitte DIARRA

  +33 232 959 884

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TOPICS - Several  LMI research  projects
Projet ANR MEDISEG (2022-2025)

Projet DSG2 - MNSN (2021-2023)


Projet DEFHY3GEO (2022-2025)

Success story: e@lin

Advanced Mathematical Modeling and Numerical Simulation
for innovation in environment and medicine M2SiNum (2018-2021)

Mathematical Modeling: applications and numerical simulations in renewable energies, eco-mobility,  

(M2NUM), supported by LMI – NU (Normandy University) Digital Innovation Cluster

TELEDETACT (since 2017)

Management of coastal erosion using remote sensing, in partnership with CEREMA Rouen

MONOMAD (since 2017)

ANR (French National Research Agency) Fractal grids

ECOS Nord with Mexico (2016-2019) supported by LMI

Logistics corridors: Application to the Seine Valley and its environment (CLASSE) - LAND-SEA CONTINUUM

Complex systems, intelligent urbanism and mobility (XTERM) - DIGITAL INNOVATION CLUSTER AND LAND-SEA




Laboratory research themes include modeling, numerical simulation and optimization:

Numerical analysis, Image processing and Approximation [AN-IA]

Head Research Professor: Carole LE GUYADER

Image processing: eHealth, registration, segmentation and restoration. Compressive sensing. Applications in geophysics and medicine. (for more information, click here)

  • LMI is a member of the multidisciplinary research committee GDR CNRS 2286 Mathématiques de l'Imagerie et de ses Applications
  • LMI is also integrated into the GDR IGRV (geometric modeling working group) (GTMG link).

Approximation and visualization of vector fields in wind and tidal energies - Industry 4.0 - Digital - Renewable energies

EDP, variation method, road traffic modeling and image processing.

Geometric design, approximation, 3D modeling, CAD. Geometric modeling using 3D sensor data.

Numerical analysis and scientific computing/numerical simulation (LMI manages projects in partnership with CRIANN since 1998).

Big data approximation: applications in wind and solar energies, geophysics, medicine, etc.

Orthogonal polynomial and polynomial computing (algebra, numerical, reliable, arbitrary-precision and parallel)

Nonlinear acoustics waves and theoretical physics

Control, Optimization, Probability and Statistics [COPS]

Head Research Professor: Witold RESPONDEK

Optimal control, Nonlinear Hamilton-Jacobi Equations Homogenization, Nonlinear equations involving

non-local terms

Viscosity solutions

Control theory

Inverse problems, boundary controllability

Network optimization, nonconvex optimization: local and global approaches, combinatorial optimization

Stochastic control and homogenization, air pollution statistics

Big data statistical analysis applied to pollution study

Intelligent urbanism applications, logistic flows optimization and eco-mobility




Assistant professors

Associated Teacher


  • Thibault Ternon (IR, 2021/2023)
  • Nathan Rouxelin (Postdoc, 2022)
  • Claire Guilloteau (ATER 2021/22)
  • Rim Fayad (ATER 2020/2022)
  • Zoé Lambert (Ingénieur de Recherche 2018/19, M2SiNum)
  • Imene Khames (postdoc 2018/19, M2NUM)
  • stage 2018 - Classe 2 - modélisation et optimisation des réseaux multimodaux
  • stage 2018 - XTERM Systèmes complexes de réactions chimiques, contacts
  • stage 2018 - XTERM sur des modèles stochastiques d’épidémies avec espace discret
  • stage 2018 - ANR sur des modèles d’optimisation pour les réseaux électriques
  • Antoine Godichon (ater 2017/18, LMI-LITIS)
  • Lorette Noiret (ater 2016/17, LMI-LITIS)
  • M2NUM Stage M2 ou ingénieur (6 mois,  2017) :  Shuang Ding
  • M2NUM Stage M2 ou ingénieur (6 mois, 2017) :   Lilian Le Bras
  • M2NUM Stage M2 ou ingénieur (6 mois,  2017) :  Li Delong
  • M2NUM Stage M2 ou ingénieur (6 mois,  2017) : Rym Fayad
  • M2NUM INGENIEUR DE RECHERCHE (12 mois + 12 mois): Fabien Bonardi
  • XTERM Stage M2 ou ingénieur (6 mois,  2017) : Mohamed Amcharhal
  • XTERM Stage M2 ou ingénieur (6 mois,  2017) : Duc-Hoan Nguyen
  • CLASSE2 Stage M2 ou ingénieur (6 mois,  2017) : Fadwa Abbes
  • Adriano Festa (postdoc 2016/17)
  • Saliha Schiff (stagiaire MS-ESD, avec A. Knippel) février-septembre 2017.

DSI (computer sciences engineers)

  • Jean-François Brulard (pôle Stic-Math)
  • Omar Jaumat (math, pôle Stic-Math)

External collaborators

  • Cyrille Fauchard (HDR, CEREMA)
  • Florentina Nicolau
  • Elodie Tillier


  • Brigitte Diarra 02 32 95 98 84

Anciens membres (MCF, ATER, postdocs, stagiaires...)

  • Maria Kazakova (mutation à Chambery en 2021)
  • Anastasia Zakharova (mutation MCF à La Rochelle en sep. 2018)
  • Fabien Bonardi (IR M2NUM devenu MCF Paris Evry, avec C. Le Guyader)
  • Sonia Fourati (retr. 2020)
  • Antoine Godichon (ater 2017/18, LMI-LITIS) devenu MCF CNU 26 Paris Sorbonne (2018)
  • Lorette Noiret (ater 2016/17, LMI-LITIS) devenue MCF CNU 26 Paris VI (2017)
  • Jade Ludjet (stage Juin-Septembre 2016, M2NUM, C. Gout/M. Bardet)

Doctorats récemment soutenus