02 32 95 65 39
- Thèmes de recherche : Séries chronologiques non linéaires, Statistique paramétrique et non-paramétrique, Statistique de la Pollution de l'air (Analyse et Prévision).
- Lien industriel: Air Normand. PEPS Labex AMIES "objets connectés" pour B. Portier avec ATMO Normandie (02/2019).
- Encadrement de thèse : D. Brazey (50%, CIFRE) soutenue en 2014.
- Département enseignement: Génie Mathématique
- Activités administratives: Elu au CA de l'INSA Rouen, Membre de la Commission Qualité de l'INSA.
B. Bercu, B. Portier and V.H. Vazquez, A Durbin-Watson serial correlation test for ARX processes via excited adaptive tracking, International Journal of Control, Vol 88(12), pp. 2611-2618, 2015
N. Hilgert and B. Portier, Revisiting the estimation of the error density in functional autoregressive models, Journal of the Korean Statistical Society, Vol 44(4), pp 646–660, 2015.
D. Brazey and B. Portier, A new spherical mixture model for head detection in depth images, SIAM Journal on Imaging Science, Vol. 7, No. 4, pp. 2423–2447, 2014.
N. Hilgert and B. Portier, Strong uniform consistency and asymptotic normality of a kernel based error density estimator in functional autoregressive model, Statistical Inference for Stochastic Processes, Vol 15, Issue 2, pp. 105-125, 2012.
J.M. Poggi and B. Portier, PM10 forecasting using clusterwise regression, Atmospheric Environment, Vol 45, Issue 38, pp. 7005–7014, 2011.
M. Bobbia, F.X. Jollois, J.M. Poggi and B. Portier, Quantifying local and background contributions to PM10 concentrations in Haute-Normandie using random forests, Environmetrics, Vol 22, Issue 6, pp. 758-768, 2011,
F.X. Jollois, J.M. Poggi and B. Portier, Three nonlinear statistical methods to analyze PM10 pollution in Rouen area, CSBIGS, Volume 3, Issue 1, pp. 1-17, 2009.
B. Bercu and B. Portier, Kernel density estimation in adaptive tracking, Conference on Decision and Control, 2008. 47th IEEE, pp. 3441-3445.
B. Bercu and B. Portier, Kernel density estimation and goodness-of-fit test in adaptive tracking, SIAM Journal of Control and Optimization, Vol 47, Issue 5, pp. 2440-2457, 2008