- Thèmes de recherche: Compressed sensing et applications, méthodes multi-échelles et applications, analyse des images, théorie des ondelettes, frames.
- Collaborations: Le2I Univ Bourgogne, LJK Grenoble 1, Univ. d'Etat Moscou Lomonossov (Russie)
- Encadrement doctoral : Qinglin Lu (Cifre, avec Le2i, U. Bourgogne)
- Enseignement: Génie Mathématique : Analyse Numérique et Analyse Fonctionnelle en GM3 et Compressive sensing (GM5), et TD STPI (en anglais).
- Activité administrative: Responsable de la 3ème année du Département Génie Mathématique depuis 2015.
Correspondante locale SMAI. Co-organisation des rencontres SMAI Industrie à Rouen, 2016. Co-organisation du workshop "Integrability in Dynamical Systems and Control", 14-16 Nov. 2012, INSA de Rouen. - Thèse: Doctorat de Mathématique "Les frames intégrals et généralisés" de l'Université d'Etat de Moscou Lomonossov. Dir de thèse: T.P. Lukashenko, Univ. d'Etat de Moscou Lomonossov (Московский государственный университет имени М.В.Ломоносова >>>)
Désormais MCF à l'Université de La Rochelle (depuis septembre 2018)
- A. Zakharova, Total variation reconstruction from quadratic measurements, Numerical Algorithms 75(1), pp. 81-92, 2017.
- Q. Lu, E. Fauvet, A. Zakharova, O. Laligant, Entire reflective object surface structure understanding based on reflection motion estimation, Pattern Recognition Letters, Volume 68, Part 1, Pages 176-182, 2015.
- B. Mateï, S. Meignen, et A. Zakharova. On a (W)ENO-type multiscale representation based on quincunx refinement: application to image compression. Curves and surfaces, 473--487, Lecture Notes in Comput. Sci., 6920, Springer, Heidelberg, 2012.
- B. Mateï, S. Meignen, A. Zakharova, Smoothness Characterization and Stability of Nonlinear and Non-Separable Multiscale Representations", Journal of Approximation Theory 123, 1707-1728, 2011.
- B. Matei, S. Meignen and A. Zakharova, Smoothness of Nonlinear and Non-Separable Subdivision Schemes, Asymptotic Analysis 74 (3-4), 229-247, 2011.
- A. Zakharova, On the properties of generalized frames, Mathematical Notes, 2008, 83 :2, p. 210-220.
- A. Zakharova, Integral Riesz Systems and Their Properties, Vestnik Moskovskogo Universiteta, Seria 1. Matematika. Mekhanika, 2004, N 6 (Traduction anglaise dans ’Moscow University Mathematics Bulletin’, Allerton Press, New York, USA).
Proceedings et autres articles
- A polyconvex relaxation of three-dimensional registration model based on Saint Venant-Kirchhoff type stored energy, Zakharova, A., 2017 12th International Conference on Sampling Theory and Applications, SampTA 2017, pp. 662-666, 2017.
- Lu, Qinglin; Laligant, O; Fauvet, E; Zakharova, A; Local Surface Curvature Analysis based on Reflection Estimation, 7th International Conference on Digital Image Processing (ICDIP) at Los Angeles, Proceedings of SPIE, Volume 9631 2015.
- Lu, Qinglin; Laligant, O; Fauvet, E; Zakharova, A; Local Surface Orientation Analysis based on Reflection Estimation, Twelfth international conference on quality control by artificial vision, Proceedings of SPIE volume 9534, pp. 146-149, 2015
- A. Zakharova, On the properties of Integral Frames, in the Proceedings of the International Workshop on Geometry and Analysis, Abrau-Durso, Russia, 2004, p. 104-115 (en russe).
- A. Zakharova, Integral Frames and Riesz Bases, Supplemento ai Rendiconti del Circolo Matematico di Palermo, Serie II, 2005, N 76, p.667-676.
- A Three-Dimensional Registration Model Based on the Polyconvex Envelope of a Saint Venant-Kirchhoff Type Stored Energy, V. Salnikov, A. Zakharova & C. Le Guyader, Curves and Surfaces, Paris, 2014.
- Wind velocity field approximation from sparse data: modelling and visualization on real dataset, T. Roy, D. Apprato, P. Alexandre, N. Forcadel, C. Gout, B. Jobard, C. Le Guyader, A. Zakharova, Curves and Surfaces, Paris, 2014.