- Thèmes de recherche/Research topics: big data in the industry, math modelling, storage & data visualization
- Formation : Master, INSA Lyon
- Sujet : Analyse prédictive et Big data pour l'Industrie du Futur
- Financement/Funding: CESI (salarié)
- Encadrement/Advisor: Anne Louis (LINEACT, CESI Rouen), et C. Gout, M.A. Benatia (co-encadrant, LINEACT, CESI).
- Publications :
- Remadna, A., Benatia, A., Louis, A., Gout, C., A predictive analysis data-based for additive manufacturing, Advances in Transdisciplinary Engineering 8, pp. 125-130, 2018.
- Conférences :
- A. Remadna, M. A. Benatia, A. Louis and C. Gout, talk at the Int. Conference Proceedings Advances in Manufacturing Technology, Suède, 2018.
- Autres activités:
- Participation aux Doctoriales 2018, à St Valéry en Caux.