Supported in parts by : M2NUM project

Wind/Marine current velocity field approximation from sparse data:
Modelling and visualization on real dataset

Approximation de champ de vent à partir
de gros volumes de données ponctuelles issues de station météo

LMI -  INSA Rouen Normandie

C. Gout - G. Khayretdinova - C. Le Guyader - B. Jobard (Pau)



Sélection de la zone d'étude : Nord ouest (incluant la Normandie)

Ci-dessous les stations météos disponibles (Météo France)

From 8          stations (left), we get the wind velocity field on all the studied area (right)


We take into account the topography of the studied area:

In order to show this method on more complicated datasets, we have considered the wind conditions during 3 days : we have the value of the wind vector field in each Meteo France stations every 3 hours (total of 24 datasets).

File: 42Mo
If it doesn't work, please donwload the file!

En collaboration avec B. Jobard (LIUPPA, Pau)



 Marine current approximation visualization
click on the images to see the movie (thanks to B. Jobard)


Christian Gout, 2017/18